T-DOSE Foundation

The T-DOSE Foundation (Technical Dutch Open Source Event) strives to promote the use and knowledge about Open Source software. By organizing a yearly event called T-DOSE the foundation hopes to give Open Source communities a platform on which they can interact amongst each other and present themselves to their user base. In the Netherlands a foundation is known as "Stichting".

The T-DOSE Foundation has its office at Heebergsvoort 3, 5706 HT Helmond, The Netherlands and is registered under number 171983818 at the Dutch Chambre of Commerce.


Donations can be send using banktransfer to Rabobank account 1287.97.770 using Swift Code: RABO NL2U and or IBAN: NL62 RABO 0128.7977.70 mentioning donation


Sponsor possibilities are outlined in this folder [PDF]. For sponsor options use the contact form on the website [CONTACT].



Jean-Paul Saman is a consultant, senior software architect and engineer since 1994 with experience in developing multimedia, embedded and networking systems. He has worked for various companies in Research and Development jobs as well as in productizing software. Since August 2004 he has worked for his own company M2X, that provides commercial services for Multimedia, Networking and Embedded systems using Open Source software. Furthermore he actively contributes to Open Source Software projects such as: “Das U-Boot (Universal bootloader)”, VideoLAN project and the Linux Kernel.


Wynke Stulemeijer joined the organizing team in January 2010, after visiting the event several times. Wynke's interest in computers originates in the time of the MSX, and her interest in Open Source started when she joined Eindhoven University of Technology's computer club M.C.G.V Stack as a student. Wynke has a degree in Computer Science Engineering and in Computer Science Education. She has taught both computer science and mathematics, at high school level and at Fontys, and is now working as a software developer at the St. Antonius hospital in Utrecht, in the team of Jeroen Baten. Besides T-DOSE, Wynke is also involved with FOSDEM and the Eindhoven Girl Geek Dinners.


Jochem visited T-Dose for the first time in 2012 as a speaker at the Educational track. He has 17 years experience in system-/networkadminstration at schools in the city of Eindhoven and also 17 years of experience in using Linux and Open Source software. Like the Open Source spirit, Jochem likes to share knowledge and therefore he joined the crew of T-Dose in the end of 2013. At this moment Jochem works at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, a secondary school in the city of Eindhoven and tries to use as much Open Source as posible in his work. Jochem is always available to share knowledge and learn more about Open Source software.


The following people help to organise the T-DOSE event and the Foundation recognizes their valuable contributions.

The current team from left to right: Wynke, Jean-Paul, Jochem, Thomas.


The T-DOSE foundation was founded by the following people.

Jeroen Baten is author of at least eight books about Open Source. He has his own company I2RS and is currently head of the product development department at the St. Antonius hospital in Utrecht. Jeroen is specialised in Linux and Open Source and a well known speaker in the Netherlands. His best known book is called “Linux in bedrijf”. He is initiator and member of "Vereniging Open Source Nederland (VOSN)" and " Open Source Business Club (OSBC)". He also wrote educational books for Linux Professional Institute (LPI level 1 and 2).

Jean-Paul Saman is a consultant, senior software architect and engineer since 1994 with experience in developing multimedia, embedded and networking systems. He has worked for various companies in Research and Development jobs as well as in productizing software. Since August 2004 he has worked for his own company M2X, that provides commercial services for Multimedia, Networking and Embedded systems using Open Source software. Furthermore he actively contributes to Open Source Software projects such as: “Das U-Boot (Universal bootloader)”, VideoLAN project and the Linux Kernel.

Past organisers

René Elders joined the board of the T-DOSE Foundation in January 2011. He has been a volunteer from the first T-DOSE edition in 2006. René has been working with computers since the introduction of the MSX in the 1980's. He is a Linux user and Open Source enthusiast. Furthermore he is the owner of IsiCom a internetcommunication company.

Alexander Swen joined the organizing team in February 2016. Alexander works in IT since 1996. Started at a Windows/Citrix helpdesk, deployed software on lots of Citrix farms and installed some Windows networks. Got frustrated by instability, poor UI, poor errormessages, repeting work and therefore switched to Linux. Since that switch he enjoys his job. Alex is married and father of a boy and two girls and lives in Lochem in the Netherlands. Nowadays Alex works as Linux admin for Nedap in Groenlo. Alex recently joined the organization committee of the NLLGG which is short for "Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep" (Dutch Linux user group).

Micha Hergarden has recently joined the T-Dose team. He is a senior software engineer and an avid user of open source software. In his professional life he works on embedded and industrial systems (anything technical will do). In the past he has worked for consulting companies, but he now works for a privatly owned company. At home he likes to tinker with the latest open source software as well, using Linux as his operating system of choice. He has been a fan of computers since his dad bought a VIC-20.

Rob Snelders is a volunteer of T-Dose since 2009. He is a Linux user and Open Source enthusiast. He contributes to the LibreOffice-project, and is a active member of the Dutch Ubuntu-community.
