CFEngine Roadshow
The CFEngine Roadshow
Bring your VM!
The CFEngine Roadshow is a live demonstration of the real, live from the ground configuration of a number of virtual servers.
Comparison of key products at this time, Chef, Puppet and CFEngine
- Promise theory
- Policies and promises
- Desired State
- Declarative vs. imperative
- Convergence with a demonstration of a practical example
Technical aspects of CFEngine
- Native
- Small footprint
- Scalability
- The Domain Specific Language (DSL)
Success story CFEngne by DirecTV in Los Angeles CA, with lessons learned
Live Demo of a physical host in which we configure multiple virtual machines:
- Time Configuration
- User management
- Hostname management
- NFS server
- NFS mounts
- Ssh public key configuration.
- Twelve tomcat servers
- Attendees are encouraged and invited to bring their own Virtual Machines to be configured by CFEngine.
Attendees are facilitated to have one or more of their own VM’s configured by CFEngine. Please find a detailed description here:
Please send any requests or questions about this service to