Don't feed the bugzilla - squash (Heisen)bugs before release

  • Posted on: 4 October 2015
  • By: kaa-ching
Software Development
Lessandro Mariano and Klaas van Gend
Track 3 (right)

Almost all programmers have experienced Heisenbugs: bugs that only sometimes appear, but always disappear
when using a debugger or printf statements.
Also: in open source projects Heisenbugs are usually very hard to squash. The few users who experience them firsthand often do not have the knowledge to help the developers hunting them down.
Over the years, several tools have been developed to address bugs, including static analysis tools and
dynamic analysis tools. But not every tool fits every type of bug or every environment. And no tool finds all.

In this talk, Lessandro Mariano and Klaas van Gend showcase various bugs in famous open source projects and discuss approaches to find bugs. In the end, every developer wants to find all relevant issues before the next release!


Both Lessandro and Klaas work for Vector Fabrics. Lessandro left his Brazilian roots for the colder dutch climate because he likes to taste the difference in bugs. Klaas would love to go to Brazil for the weather but doesn't like the humongous insects over there.
(feel free to add Klaas' usual bio here)

15:00 - 16:00 hrs
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