Jeroen Baten
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Jeroen Baten is author of at least five books about Open Source. He has his own company I2RS. Jeroen is specialised in Linux and Open Source and a well known speaker in the Netherlands. His best known book is called “Linux in bedrijf”. He is initiator and member of "Vereniging Open Source Nederland (VOSN)" and " Open Source Business Club (OSBC)". He also wrote educational books for Linux Professional Institute (LPI level 1 and 2). |
Kris Buytaert
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Kris Buytaert is a long time Linux and Open Source Consultant doing Linux and Open Source projects in Belgium , Europe and the rest of the universe. He is currently working for Inuits, and starting up some new projects.
Kris is the Co-Author of Virtualization with Xen ,used to be the maintainer of the openMosix HOWTO and author of different technical publications. He is a frequent speaker at different international conferences. He spends most of his time working on Linux Clustering (both HA and HPC), Virtualisation and Large Infrastructure Management projects hence trying to build infrastructures that can survive the 10th floor test, better known today as the cloud. His blog titled "Everything is a Freaking DNS Problem" can be found at http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/ Talk: Building Virtual Appliances |
Gratien D'haese
Gratien D'haese is a Belgian independent IT Consultant who is already 25 years active in the Unix world (and with Linux since its invention in 1991). Gratien has a broad experience with Unix in general, Unix networking and security, big system administration tasks, clustering, consultancy and project management.
Gratien is co-founder and main designer of Relax and Recover (rear) together with Schlomo Schapiro (from Germany). The web site of rear is located at http://rear.sourceforge.net/ He is also a Board member of one of the first Linux-SIGs in Belgium (of the Open Technology Assembly) where he has given lots of talks on Open Source topics (see http://www.ota.be/linux/workshops/). Gratien is still the project leader of the Open Source project "Make CD-ROM Recovery (mkcdrec)" which is the forerunner of rear - see http://mkcdrec.ota.be/ |
Patrick Debois
no biography.
Talk: From Dev/Ops to DevOps. Amazing the difference one character can make. |
Machtelt Garrels
Linux Advocate of the first hour, Machtelt Garrels has made many contributions to the Open Source community and has been working for over 15 years on the wider acceptance of Linux and Open Source products. She writes whenever she has the time, closing gaps in existing documentation and taking the opportunity to simplify it when necessary, always keeping in mind that practice is the only way to learn.
Talk: Arduino, an open source electronics prototyping platform |
Klaas van Gend
Peter and Klaas have been writing about computer games for the Dutch Linux Magazine for several years. After evaluating quite a lot of games, they thought they could do better themselves and started their own game. Peter is the project manager, Klaas does most of the coding.
As a day-to-day job, Peter manages quality control for various projects on the dutch roads. Talk: 18 months The Butterfly Effect - what can an open source game achieve? |
Peter van Ginneken
Peter and Klaas have been writing about computer games for the Dutch Linux Magazine for several years. After evaluating quite a lot of games, they thought they could do better themselves and started their own game. Peter is the project manager, Klaas does most of the coding.
As a day-to-day job, Peter manages quality control for various projects on the dutch roads. Talk: 18 months The Butterfly Effect - what can an open source game achieve? |
Sebastian Wilhelm Graf
Sebastian Wilhelm Graf (also known as: Naxxatoe) is a IT Security Researcher / Analyst currently resident in Austria. His Technical Skill and Abilities as well as his knowledge about IT Security lead him to travel the world and give bleeding edge talks at various IT Conferences and work as a Consultant for various Global Companies. Combining the best from both the Ethical Hacking and the Dark Arts, he is able to provide good and balanced Advice on Potential Threats / Attacks and Counter measures. |
Tam Hanna
Born in Vienna, Austria; I am fluent in English/German and can additionally speak French and Arabic. The fascination of the entrepreneurial life style and my love for mobile computing led to the founding of Tamoggemon Software in 2004. For me, code alone is irrelevant - only through many cycles of painstaking UI design, marketing and fine tuning can an excellent application be made. Thus, I decided to become fluent with concepts like Extreme Programming and - to some extent - test-driven development.
Tamoggemon's Palm OS applications have thus managed to gain a cult-like following in their target sectors; and have been praised by analysts for their ease of use. The same can be said of the products released for Symbian OS. I have always felt a strong urge to share my knowledge with others. Thus, I became active in the online publishing sector and have permanently expanded my portfolio so that it now includes a total of four news services that have thousands of readers a day. Being a member of the Vienna Journalists Club has provided me with access to low-cost flights. This has allowed me to outsource my network programming to Sweden and has also enabled me to frequently visit and cover international events like the CeBit and the London Smartphone Roadshow. The Austrian magazine "Der neue Kriminalbeamte" and the leading IT security magazine "hakin9" both value my technical expertise and frequently assign me to new and interesting topics all over the computer security and "network culture" scenes. I furthermore cover a variety of developer-related content for various magazines of the S&S publishing house. When not working on company projects, I love to spend my leisure time travelling, reading technology, marketing and other scientific books, photographing, swimming, cooking, listening to music, visiting art exhibitions - and, last but not least, sometimes taking a stab at computer gaming. Talk: Attack vectors on mobile devices |
Jerry Jacobs
Jerry Jacobs is born in 1989 in the Netherlands. He studies currently Telecommunications/ICT. He started using linux and opensource december 2006.
As a electronic and open-source enthusiast I joined the KiCad team to translate it dutch for fun. Also i started learning the basics of C++ programming to hack/learn KiCad. Mostly i do testing of subversion sourcecode and write documentation and provide feedback to the project. I started learning programming in C for microcontrollers (the Atmel AVR 8bit) during traineeship at Elektor. Talk: KiCad and Open Hardware |
Arno Kruse
Arno Kruse, born in 1977 and a former student of the TU/E, is a freelance unix admin. He has been building gateways and firewalls since the mid 90's, mainly on openbsd. He works as a unix admin and consultant for smaller ISP's and IT providers who mainly deal with small businesses. |
Milo van der Linden
Milo van der Linden is Director Dogodigi. Chairman of the Open Geo Groep.
Talk: Open GIS: technical maturity and commercial introduction. |
Jean Marie Maes
Jean-Marie Maes is coordinator e-learning at the University College Ghent (Belgium). He has been involved with e-learning over many years. He initiated the development of a brand-new e-learning platform, originally within the Dokeos development, now as the flagship of Chamilo. The first beta of Chamilo 2 has already been released. The final release will follow by December 2010. He is co-founder and chairperson of the Chamilo Association.
Talk: Chamilo 2, a new repository based learning and collaboration platform |
Kees Meijs
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Kees is commercial director at Kumina bv, a boutique company specialised in large scale managed operations. He has years of experience in Open Source clustering and remote management solutions.
LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/keesmeijs For more information on Kumina, please visit http://www.kumina.nl/. Talk: Ubuntu for the Paranoid |
Fabrice Mous
Fabrice Mous is een van de bestuursleden binnen OpenDoc Society, een kennisplatform die individuen en organisaties samenbrengt met een gezamenlijk belang in open documentformaten zoals ODF en PDF. Fabrice Mous is werkzaam als senior adviseur bij de IT-dienstverlener Ictivity waar hij is betrokken bij tal van projecten en trajecten op het vlak van open source software en open standaarden in binnen- en buitenland. In zijn vorige functie als adviseur en projectleider bij de overheid was hij betrokken bij de uitvoering van het overheidsbeleid inzake open standaarden en open source software, beter bekend onder de naam actieplan "Nederland Open in Verbinding".
Fabrice bekleedt meerder bestuursfuncties die relevantie hebben met open standaarden en open source software. Naast zijn bestuursfunctie binnen OpenDoc Society, is hij ook vice-voorzitter van LPI-Nederland, een organisatie die zich inzet voor onafhankelijke Linux-certificering. Sinds 2005 adviseert Fabrice Mous de organisatie van LinuxWorld. Fabrice publiceert met enige regelmaat artikelen en schrijft hij momenteel een thesis over het gebruik van sturingselementen op open source softwarecommunities. |
Marcel Nijenhof
Marcel Nijenhof studied computational physics from 1988 until 1995. He started to use linux during 1993 which was at that moment only two years old.
As a enthusiast user he joined the dutch linux user group (nllgg) where he became a board member and the chairman of the society. In this function he spends time on the promotion and spread of knowledge over linux. He works for a small company Proxy where he has the function of Unix System Architect. |
Rihards Olups
Rihards Olups has over 10 years of experience in IT. He has had a chance to work with various systems, and most of that time has been spent with open source solutions. Exposure to Zabbix, one of the leading open source enterprise class monitoring solutions, was with the first public releases more than nine years ago, which has allowed to gain practical knowledge on the subject.
Previously employed by a government agency, Rihards was mostly involved in open source software deployments ranging from server to desktop grade software, with a big emphasis on Zabbix. More recently he has joined Zabbix SIA, the company behind one of the most comprehensive opensource monitoring solutions. This has allowed him to gain even more experience with the subject. |
Mark Overmeer
Mark has a long history as programmer, teacher, and system-administrator. Since seven years, he is self-employed, dedicated to Perl and UNIX. Amongst other activities, he is secretary of NLUUG, Oophaga (CAcert facilitator) and SPPN (Stichting Perl Promotie NL). He developed a long list of complex Open Source Perl modules. See http://solutions.overmeer.net
Talk: NLUUG Leveringsvoorwaarden |
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Gian-Carlo Pascutto is working as Senior Embedded Software Architect at Essensium - Mind. As such, he provides consultancy, services and solutions for customers based on Linux and Open Source Software for Embedded Systems, mainly in the field of Networking, Multimedia and Security systems. Previously he has been working in several companies in Europe within research and software development.
Gian-Carlo has more than 10 years of experience in C/C++ programming and in software technologies in general. Talk: Embedded Software Development best practices using Open Source Software |
Andreas Rogge
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Andreas Rogge was born in 1981 and made his first Unix contact when he was ten years old. Today he works and lives near Cologne (Germany) where he owns a company for system's administration and all other stuff with a power plug. Andreas is a member of the CentOS Promo-Team since 2007. He is a constant visitor at FOSDEM, FrOSCon and T-DOSE. Besides this he gave talks at FOSDEM and FrOSCon in 2009. |
Jim Sangwine
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Jim Sangwine is a senior developer at Competa IT with a history in web application development. He studied 3D animation at University and his life-long love affair with video games combined with his career investment in the Web has made him a passionate proponent of WebGL. |
Eric Sol
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Eric Sol is founder of a small software firm based in beautiful Maastricht, The Netherlands. He has held several positions in Dutch higher education, both in ICT and policy making. He started his journey into CSS in October, 2006. Besides having a family he likes cycling and listening to his collection of vinyl and CDs. |
Jan Stedehouder
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Jan Stedehouder studied Societal History at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam with a strong focus on the crossroads of communication and policy-issues. This focus led to a career encompassing educational innovation on the Netherlands Antilles and developing projects and methodologies targeted at promoting the development of groups at the low end of the Dutch society. Apart from this Jan is a writer, columnist and journalist, primarily dealing with Linux, open source en open standards from the perspective of end-users, or -as he calls them – 'W2L migrators'. He wrote or contributed to various books in this domain, with four upcoming books being released between now and early 2011. His articles have been published in BSD Magazine, LinuxBizz magazine, SoftwareBus and on the Digiplace website.
Jan is an outspoken critic of the Dutch open source policy, which -in his opinion- is based on a highly ambitious plan, but flawed in its execution. Talk: Remember the Spartans! Or, introducing open source against overwhelming odds |
Ferry Tap
Dr. Tap (1974) obtained his MSc from Delft University of Technology in 2000 (gas turbine combustion) and his PhD from Ecole Centrale Paris in 2004 (Diesel engine combustion). He started Dacolt in 2004 and his responsibilities include business development, software development and CFD consulting in the field of combustion. His professional interests also include Software-as-a-Service and Cloud Computing. |
Bharvani Toshaan
Toshaan started with computers at the age of 5, when his father gave him the components to build his first computer. He quickly learned how to manage hardware. After that he started using the propitiatory platform. Later he learned about the Open Source Software and converted to Linux. Starting with SuSE, then switching to Fedora and now to CentOS. After finishing his university studies, he now works in the family business, where he is a IT consultant.
Talk: SELinux, increasing security one compartment at a time |
Marc Vloemans
Marc Vloemans is Director B3Partners. Chairman of the Dutch Association for Open Source Software Suppliers (OSSLO)
Talk: Open GIS: technical maturity and commercial introduction. |
Cecil Westerhof
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Cecil Westerhof has been in the ICT business for almost 30 years. One of his strong points is that he can get productive fast in a completely new programming environment. He has worked for big companies (LogicaCMG, Cap Gemini, ABN AMRO, het Kadaster), but also for smaller companies. He has seen a big spectrum of activities. He has helped migrate from Tru-64 to HP-UX, written intranet applications and helped with keeping bank software up to date.
More information can be found on his LinkedIn profile: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof |
Dag Wieers
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Dag Wieers is a freelance Linux and Open Source consultant, working for international companies (mostly, in technology, banking and broadcasting markets). Main competencies include architecting and automating workflow, systems management, documentation and knowledge transfer and leading technical teams. He loves lightweight processes and keeps it simple. Dag is seen as technical by managers and non-technical by kernel developers. He is often related with RPM packages, CentOS, Red Hat Wiimotes, proxytunnel and dstat, although he prefers not to be typecasted in any shape or form. Less information is available from his blog at http://dag.wieers.com/blog/. Dag Wieers lives in Flanders, speaks Dutch and has absolutely no cat. Talk: Enterprise Linux going mainstream |
Wilma Willems
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Drs. Wilma Willems MIM werkt als projectmanager bij Nederland Open in Verbinding (NOiV) en richt zich specifiek op de ontwikkeling van een implementatiestategie waar alle overheden volgens het Actieplan NOiV aan moeten werken. Zij is meer dan tien jaar zelfstandig interim-manager en ICT-manager gespecialiseerd in de overheid. Zij werkte onder meer bij de ministeries VROM, Buitenlandse Zaken en Justitie. Daarvoor heeft zij gewerkt in diverse managementfuncties in de ICT-dienstverlening. Zij studeerde bestuurlijke infomatiekunde en e-government.
Talk: NOiV marktplaats |
John Willis
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John is well know from Opscode and his cloud computing blog at http://www.johnmwillis.com
John has been in IT operations for over 30 years and has seen a lot of good and bad ideas come and go. He have been following the Devops movement for over a year now and kept his eyes very focused to the Devops radar. To him Devops is one of the most interesting ideas that he has seen in the last 30 years. Like any new idea, Devops is creating some controversy and there are many discussions about what is wrong with Devops. In fact, many of the recent questions about Devops sound very similar to some of the questions that were being asked about Clouds two years ago. A lot of those old Cloud questions have now been answered; however, many still remain open. He believes this is exactly the path that the recent “Devops” questions are following. He has spoken and interviewed a lot of the thought leaders in the Devops movement. Here are some of my thoughts based on what he has learned thus far. |