Saturday 26 October 2013

Titlesort ascending
Xerte online Toolkit
Workshop: PDF-KungFoo with Ghostscript & Co.
What's happening with DNSSEC?
Vim Workshop
The Unix operating system: a quick but advanced introduction
The Unix command line interface and its tools: a quick but advanced introduction
The Internet of Things
Scratch4arduino meets the Arduino robot
Scaling the cloud
Put your data on a map!
Project 'Je PC na XP'
Presentatie: Linux Flavourz Education Foundation
Opleidingen moeten leren met een office-programma om te gaan!
OpenTaal - Taal is van ons allemaal
Openness at HKU Music & Technology
Open source middleware for Internet of Things
Open Invention Network as the practical solution for open source community against patent aggression
Open ICT is een basisvoorziening
Open (source) hardware in het (basis)onderwijs: MakeyMakey, Arduino (en Scratchboard/Picoboard?)
New SQL Security Approach
Moving CFEngine 3 forward
Manage your digital (media) assets across applications with MediaMosa
LPI Exams
LibrePlan, from 1.3 to 1.4. A small step in version, a large step for humanity?
ixi-Play an Android based robot buddy for young kids
How much automation do you need?
Hogeschool Leiden kiest voor LPI certificering bij Pearson.
Het dagelijkse leven anno 2050
GCW Zero: the making of an open source handheld game console
Ganeti: virtualisation clusters for Linux.
Free as in Freedom, how Free Software can save you from PRISM
Fighting latency: How to optimize your system using perf
EasyHacks in LibreOffce
Dulwich: Discovering the basics of Git
Drupal for e-learning
Deugt Website@School eigenlijk wel?
De Pinguïn houdt van Muzikanten!
De 'open' generatiekloof anno 2013
Creating a SElinux module for cgi scripts
CQRS - Architecture for scalable web applications
Building your own anti-burglary system
Building New SQL
Bigger data with PostgreSQL 9
Bash: a Neglected Tool With a Lot of Possibilities (An Introduction)
15 j Open source bij Don Bosco Wilrijk (Antwerpen), infrastructuur en ondersteunende applicaties in een kleine schoolomgeving.
"Open Source Onderwijs"; de gang van zaken.