The Lsociety Won!
We have won!
We’re in 2016, celebrating the 25th anniversary of Linux, and open source
has won: it is simply everywhere (OK, maybe not with desktop, but there are
arguably more Android phones sold than consumer desktops so…). Open source
has changed how software is developed, how we work and collaborate together,
how fast and efficiently we can innovate, how business is modeled, etc.
If that fight is over, shall we all just stop caring? With the mass adoption
of open source from proprietary legacy businesses to startups, there is
still often pressure to think of software licensing as the only way to get
short-term ROI.
We all have to keep making sure open source values are not being bent too
strong to benefit individuals or specific companies’ agendas to the
detriment of general developers or users. Otherwise, we risk limited
technical choices, reduced transparency, a lack of diversity and slow down
on innovation that is only possible with full openness.
One fight we still have to win...get schools to teach OSS!