Sponsors and partners
T-DOSE was sponsored by
The T-DOSE Foundation would like to thank the following organisations that helped in organizing by donating or sponsoring us this year.
Interested in sponsering T-DOSE?
T-DOSE the Technical Dutch Open Source Event, takes place every autumn at the Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven. The purpose of this event is to promote the use and knowledge of Open Source, both in the Netherlands and internationally. In a number of keynotes and lectures, information is exchanged and interested parties are made aware of new developments in the world of Open Source.
Hightech area
Eindhoven is part of the Eindhoven-Leuven-Aachen triangle of technology and is located in the Brainport knowledge region. Brainport is home to the core of the Dutch high tech industry. Philips, ASML, VDL, Prodrive and many other large and small high tech companies have their roots in this area. The role of Open Source in high tech industry is growing more and more important, both for products and for industry processes. This makes Eindhoven the ideal location for an Open Source congress with international appeal.
T-DOSE Foundation
The T-DOSE Foundation (Stichting T-DOSE) has been organizing this event every autumn since 2006, and the number of visitors continues to grow each year. T-DOSE was founded by Jeroen Baten, author of several books on Open Source, and Jean-Paul Saman, senior software engineer and owner of M2X. In 2011, René Elders, who has been one of the volunteers since the first edition and who has been working with computers since the introduction of MSX in the early 1980's, has joined the board. Jeroen Baten has announced his resignation from the board at the 2011 edition of T-DOSE.
Why sponsering?
There is no other comparable free event in the Open Source field. The T-DOSE organization depends entirely on volunteers, so all funding goes straight into the event. So, by sponsoring T-DOSE, you directly enable us to keep organizing this event. For companies, T-DOSE is the ultimate opportunity to present themselves. The participants spend two days absorb in huge amounts of knowledge and expanding their network. This provides companies with ample opportunities to connect with developers and users of Open Source software. Moreover, T-DOSE is an excellent platform for sharing new trends and developments. The visitors of T-DOSE are IT enthousiasts who love to share information with the rest of the community. This makes T-DOSE the event for your organization to ensure you're being spoken about. In exchange for your sponsoring of at least 500 euro, you will be provided with a stand in the central hall during T-DOSE. This stand is provided with connections to mains power and internet. Moreover, we will publish your logo on our digital schedule and on our website, where it will remain until roughly a month before the next edition of T-DOSE.
For more information about sponsor opportunities download this folder [PDF] and contact: sponsors@t-dose.org.