High-availability data storage and access on Gluster

  • Posted on: 30 September 2016
  • By: ndevos
Cloud Technologies
Niels de Vos
Track 3 (right)

Gluster offers different access protocols for users to store, use and modify
contents. Some of the common methods are mounting over FUSE, NFS or Samba. In
order to make the access to contents high-available, there are several topics
to take into account and configure.

Except for human users, there are also existing applications like oVirt
(libvirt, QEMU), OpenShift (Heketi), and APIs that can be consumed by any
application that needs cloud storage. For some of these use-cases it is
important to understand the basics of the high-availability that Gluster can
offer. Just like with any other network filesystem, handling of potential
errors or delays need to be considered as well.

During this talk Niels will explain how to configure Gluster storage servers
and clients in such a way that failure of a single or multiple servers will not
affect the availability of the storage. The presentation contain real world
examples of projects that make use of different tools and solutions to maintain
a high-available storage environment.

15:00 - 16:00 hrs
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